The band is busy with a full calendar of 2024-2025 concert events. Be sure to check this page often as additional performances are added.
September 16th -- Indigo Run member concert, 5 p.m.
October 3rd -- Bluffton Self Help "foodraising" concert open to Oldfield Club members. 6 p.m.
November 7th -- Mainstage Community Theatre benefit concert, featuring Broadway stars Steve and Meredith Blanchard. Location: 123 Persimmon St. Starts at 7 p.m. Individual tickets: $150; Couples $250.
Land of Make Believe
That's How We Roll
2025 Concerts
February 6th -- Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church Parish Life Center. Concert benefits multiple local non-profit organizations serving children in our community. Starts at 7 p.m. $25/person general admission donation is appreciated.
March 6th -- Lions Concert benefit concert at Sun City Magnolia Hall. Open to public. Starts at 7 p.m. Tickets: $30/person reserved seating.
April 27th -- Lowcountry Presbyterian Church, Bluffton. 2 p.m. Free admission; $25/person freewill offering appreciated.
May 13th -- Indigo Run Plantation member concert. Starts at 6 p.m.